Monday, June 30, 2008

Knitting progress...

Well, I didn't finish it...but I did make a lot of progress on it...I am now decreasing for the top...The colors aren't showing up as nicely as they could...I'll post a better picture when its done.

I knit one of the dishcloths for my Keepin' Cool Swap Pal...I wasn't excited about how it turned out...I think it turned out too big...don't know if I will redo it or give it to her as it is...I will post pics after she gets it....

Silly dog...

At my house, all you need to do is mention the word "ride" to get Max all excited...and I mean excited...bouncing up and down...howling/crying...he is SO there...

Well, I was bringing Nathan to work yesterday...and Nathan was I guess, technically...Nathan was bringing himself to work and I was riding along...anyways, I digress...

Max is in the backseat with his snout and most of his head hanging out the window...Suddenly, the window is going up and his head is being caught...At the same time, Nathan and I yell at each other to stop rolling up the window....

Neither one of us is rolling up the window...Max is doing it to himself...power windows...he's standing on the "up" button with his paw....He got his head out in time...

Silly dog.....

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Another chapter....

This summer has been different for me...

Jeremy and Andy are off at their respective "college" homes, working through the summer, stock-piling money and taking summer classes....I miss having them in my daily life. A phone call every few days just doesn't do justice...I miss hearing about the mundane details of their daily lives...

Chris and Nathan are both working this summer...

More often than not, I find myself alone in the's an unfamiliar feeling that is becoming more and more familiar...and I don't think I am ready.

In the past, our summers were so very active...filled to the brim with Little League games, riding bikes to the bookmobile, visits to the local library, miniature golf, camping, swimming lessons, golf practice, and later golf itself...

We spent our days together...eating lunch (hot dogs wrapped with biscuit dough)...having "siesta" time...everybody in their rooms to either read or nap...great opportunity for reading for the older ones and quiet time for the younger ones...during the very hottest part of the day...

I miss my boys.

Friday, June 27, 2008

News from up North

It has been a really busy week...

I've been doctoring most of the week...nasty migraines...don't know if we have "solved" the problem or not...time will migraine today (knock on wood) Lately I have been going to bed and waking up with

Was down to school yesterday...gave blood for the blood was my 16th the "two gallon" pin...yeah!!! The young lady did a nice job with the needle...I have no bruising today...

I then met with the representative with the new curriculum we are ordering (pending board approval, of course)...My intention was to work in my room on lesson plans, as long as I was down there...well, my room looks like a disaster zone...they are painting it...

On knitting news...since I was in Duluth doctoring, I stopped at the LYS looking for yarn to send to my Swap partner...well, found her yarn...but HAD to buy something for myself...I've said this before...if there is a sample AND a free pattern attached (with yarn purchase) they suck me in every time!!!

I left the store with a hat pattern and yarn to match. Now, I had absolutely no intention of knitting a hat this week or this summer...and of course, I immediately had to cast on....can you say ADD???? Oh look at that pretty thing over there.....

I think I have a new "favorite" dishcloth pattern. I am really liking this...

Isn't it pretty? It is a Waffle Knit Dishcloth. I found it here. I am not sure how I got to Deb's blog...but...I found it and I like's easy and quick and I like the texture.

One last thing before I go...

This was on my window the other night....It is the largest moth I have ever seen...the wing span was a good 4 inches across....I have no idea what kind of moth it is...the markings were really cool.

No big plans for the weekend...probably go listen to music and do some dancing tonight and tomorrow...I think we have one last graduation party to attend on Sunday. Hope your weekend is a good one...

Hopefully, I will have pics of my finished hat on Monday to share...

Keepin' Cool in Summer - Topic #3

Well now that Summer has OFFICIALLY begun.. what do you do to beat the heat? A nice tall glass of lemonade? Frozen Coffee? A dip in the pool? What's your favorite way to keep cool this summer as things heat up?

My favorite way to stay cool is to go to the lake. Pack up the boys, the knitting, and some snacks, along with a bottle of water...and head to the lake. If the local lake isn't an option...I head for's always cooler by the big lake (Lake Superior)

I don't have a favorite summer beverage. I am trying to stay away from pop/soda. I tend to drink a lot of flavored water...and seem to be on a "Crystal Light" kick....I must have about 6 different "flavors" currently open in the cupboard....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Just another Monday...

Here is a the only picture Nathan would allow me to post of our day at the water park.

Here is a picture of what a Minnesota water park looks like. This is a beautiful park...lots of picnic area...water slides and go carts... and an alpine slide...good times...

As you know, we live in the country...we have wood ticks...more specifically...we have deer ticks...deer ticks carry Lyme disease.

Nathan had a deer tick on him last Thursday...I tried to remove it as I remove all wood ticks...with a tweezer....( do not touch wood ticks!!!)...Well, deer ticks are very small...the tweezer pinched the tick right in half, leaving the head of the tick embedded in my son...he was not happy (the son, not the tick, although the tick probably wasn't happy either)

We went to the doctor's office today to have the head of the tick removed.

Doctor put him on antibiotics and now we have to wait and see if Lyme disease develops....

Incidentally, the preferred method of removing a deer tick (according to doctor) is to rub gently over the tick with a cotton ball soaked in dish soap. After about 15 minutes, the tick should back out...

Wouldn't work for me...I would be hysterical by that time...can not stand wood ticks!!!

That was my was yours?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Keepin' Cool in Summer Topic #2

Share with us how you know that summer has truly 'arrived', or something that signifies the start of Summer in your world.

In my world...summer arrives at 3:10 on the last day of school....Ahhh...the joys of being a teacher.....

Seriously though, summer truly arrives with the smell of the first freshly cut lawn....the buzz of the mosquitoes...the smell of burgers on the grill....the lilacs are blooming....the lake is warm enough to swim in.....

It's a contest....

...Come check out Whiskers on Wednesday....You don't have to be a cat lover...(although it helps)...spread the word...registration is still open....

It was a grand day.....

The weather was beautiful...the crowds were lines to stand was an absolutely gorgeous day...the boys had a wonderful time....

I sat in the sun listening to my ipod and I spent the entire day knitting... a result...I have this funky "knitter's" tan/burn...the picture truly doesn't do it justice...

Check out my funky "triangles"...isn't that nice???!!!

I did manage to complete (except for kitchener stitch) an entire baby bootie/sock...

I used size four needles and kinda guessed at the pattern...resulting in a sock that turned out a little larger than I had pictured...a kinda "funky" deformed, club footed, large baby...yeah...that's who I planned it for...I guess I'll make a second one to match...

I am really anxious to start a pair of socks with one of these skeins of sock yarn...isn't it pretty...I think the one on the right is my favorite...

Is it wrong to cast on two or more pairs of socks at the same time? Seriously?

...And here is my Whiskers on Wednesday Picture....

Isn't she just adorable? Attitude....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Check this out....

While I was out and about today...I stopped at the LYS..and she had knit up a set of baby socks/booties...cute as a button...and unbelievably soft...well...I just had to buy a skein... she gave me the rough pattern she had made up..thought I should do some searching...see if I could find a pattern....

I found THIS...every sock knitter's dream....594 sock patterns....

I am bringing 5 teenage boys to a water park tomorrow...since we cannot all fit in a car...I am driving the motor's about a 90 minute drive one way....I of course, have no intention of putting a swimsuit plan on spending the day sitting in my camper or in the sun......knitting....

Pics to come....

Friday, June 13, 2008

They are all idiots....

..They are all idiots...

Yesterday, I dealt with idiots all day long....

My day started with ME calling my credit card company looking for a pay-off amount....Yes, I was going to give them money....After two hours and three different phone calls.....I decided that they are all idiots...How tough can it be? (I never did get an answer)

Then...a salesperson called from a card that I have paid off, have no intention of ever using again, and don't even know where it is (physically)....I tried to assure the young lady that I did not need whatever service she was trying to sell/give me...and I explained all of the above...I have no intention of reactivating said card...and I gave her the reasons why...She just wouldn't give up....I finally told her - go head send me the materials and I will throw them away myself....

all idiots....

Then....I notice my phone is not working...I walk next door and check with my mother...her phone isn't working either...together...we walk to two other neighbors...nope, not working either...

I decide to call QWEST on my cell phone to report the outage...side note...some company is burying underground fiber optic cable all along our rural road....might have something to do with the phone outage...

The person answering the phone tells me that she will send a repairman out to check my "box"...if the problem isn't with my "box"...the phone company will charge me $85 for the service call...

I assure her that it isn't my "box" that is the problem...ALL of the neighbors are without phone service...her response..."That has not been confirmed"...Are you kidding me???? I just told you!!! ... And... I know it's not my "box" because they are burying cable long the road...again...her response..."that has not been confirmed"...

Idiots...they are all idiots!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Whiskers on Wednesday

I found this on Anita's blog.

Whiskers on Wednesdays....

Whiskers on Wednesday a site dedicated to bragging about your kitty. What a great idea!

Anytime I can brag about my spoiled brat and post pics...I am all in!

So, even though I am a day late....and some of you have already met...Meet Squeekers...the residing Queen of our house.....

This and That...

This arrived in my mailbox the other day...isn't it pretty? The picture does not do it is the prettiest shades of greens and browns...all my favorite colors...Megan ordered it for me from Mandy's etsy shop. I won a contest that Megan was hosting....Big Thank you to Megan! I love it and can't wait to knit something pretty with it.

It's cold and it's raining....seems like that is all the weather we have had this summer...

We went to watch Rock-A-Billy Revue at the local outdoor concert series....It was so cold...honest to God, you could see your was only 41 degrees least it wasn't raining for about a two hour period....reminded me of football season.

My plants are all water-logged...Thank God we aren't dealing with the flooding issues that are prevalent around the area. We are lucky enough to have really sandy soil...

I haven't even thought about's been too cold...I went into the camper a couple days ago and thought...boy, do I need to get out here and do the "Spring cleaning" - but that is as far as that went...

Enough whining...on the Fitness front...I am proud to say I have been doing my 60+ minutes on Wii Fit every single morning. My body was very, very sore for about 4 has gotten better. My BMI has gone down...a couple pounds also....nothing to get too excited about...but, I figure if I keep it up all has to be good....

As you go through the program, you "unlock" more "activities" the more you do. For example, the basic comes with a "step activity" that has you stepping off and on the Wii Board in time to the music...I have since unlocked an "advanced" step activity...well, I am so the point to tripping over my own two feet....rhythm...I have none. I am kicking when they are stepping, and clapping a half beat after the least I am moving.

On the knitting front...Here are my finished "Fixation" socks. I gifted them to my "bestest" friend for her birthday...I hope she enjoys wearing them as much as I enjoyed making them for her....

I also just finished the third dishcloth to a set of three for my sister. I am working on my next pair of socks...anxious to start a new pair with the lovely yarn I ordered....but, am trying to resist the temptation...I just want to see how the stripes are going to play out.....and of course, the feel of the yarn....

If I could upload pics faster...I could show you the lovely goodies I ordered....I may have to make a trip to my local library and see if I can upload more pics...With the price of gas ($3.87/gal) - I can't afford to drive to work(school) just for the sake up posting some pics....It takes me about 8 minutes to upload one picture...and then that isn't a promise that it will upload...many, many times...I wait 10+ minutes just to be booted off of blogger....ahh, the trials and tribulations of country living.

I went grocery shopping yesterday...ventured out in the rain...needed to get out of the house and of course, the boys were complaining about no food....I saved $93.00 with awesome is that? I still wrote a check for $217...but..... saved $93....I was pretty proud of myself...and now we have food...I have found that it is more expensive to eat "healthy". It is no wonder our society is on the overweight side...people can't afford "healthy" choices.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Keepin' Cool in Summer Swap - Topic #1

Make a post on your own blog sharing YOUR favorite pattern(s) with us! Don't have a favorite site? That's fine! Show us a photo of one of the cloths you have made and really loved, even if it was just a made up pattern!

I have found a lot of my patterns at Knitting Pattern Central. Go check it out...she has some awesome patterns and most are free....

My current "favorite" pattern is the Feather and Fan Dishcloth. I like the texture of the finished dishcloth. The pattern whips up pretty fast - it's just a repeat of the four rows....I like that I don't have to think...but there is enough change to keep my attention...

If only I had high speed internet....I could post pics....but blogger keeps dumping me off while I am trying to upload....

OH!!! I don't know if you are lucky enough to have a Michaels in your area or not...but they are running 10 balls for $10 on the "Sugar 'n Cream" by Lily.

That's ONE DOLLAR a piece!!!! I bought bunches!!!

I would also like to take this opportunity to say a Hello to my Swap Partner! Thanks for contacting me .....I look forward to getting to know you.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I am going to get fit...

...and I might die in the process....

We called all over to find a Wii...Best Buy had just received a shipment and had 12 on hand....we rushed and got dressed, drove the 40+ minutes to Duluth....They still had a couple we checked out...every person around us that was checking out...was buying a Wii. find a Wii Fit. Again, called everywhere...literally 20+ phone calls....checked out every "gaming" store in the mall area...anyone we remotely thought might have it....Went into K-Mart...first store clerk told us they were sold out...second clerk overheard and said they had just received a shipment of three that had been unloaded from the truck less than five minutes ago.....

So...TAH-DAH!!!! By the luck of I don't know what...we have a Wii Fit.

I am determined to make this part of my morning routine...I got up this morning and did every single yoga exercise, every single stretching/body building, and all of the aerobics...I even ran...


I was panting, hyperventilating, sweating profusely....thought I was going to die...

I didn't realize I was THAT out of shape....

Stay tuned for updates...and send oxygen....

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer vacation's begun...Today is my first full un-committed day....and...I just got dressed! It feels pretty darn good.

The last teacher day was Tuesday. I left right after school to go visit Andy and his new apartment, a mere four hour drive....His apartment is great, nice new building, 4 bedroom.....

I had a chance to try Wii Fit while we were down there. I am now on a mission to buy it. Of course, it is not available anywhere....and...for those of you who may not know what it is...its a game that consists of a platform you stand measures your weight and BMI. From that information, it gives you a test (in my case, standing on one foot for about 30 seconds) and then calculates your "fitness" age.....I am proud to say...mine was 6 years younger than my actual age....

It has yoga, stretching, body building, and other "games" to help you get your heartbeat up and get fit. Once you create a profile, you can track your progress and your weight.

I do have pictures to post, but my camera is currently MIA.

Not many plans for the summer...I do want to get a bunch of cleaning done...and painting...maybe some camping...for sure some some Oprah....

It's all good.