Here is a the only picture Nathan would allow me to post of our day at the water park.
Here is a picture of what a Minnesota water park looks like. This is a beautiful park...lots of picnic area...water slides and go carts... and an alpine slide...good times...
As you know, we live in the country...we have wood ticks...more specifically...we have deer ticks...deer ticks carry Lyme disease.
Nathan had a deer tick on him last Thursday...I tried to remove it as I remove all wood ticks...with a tweezer....( do not touch wood ticks!!!)...Well, deer ticks are very small...the tweezer pinched the tick right in half, leaving the head of the tick embedded in my son...he was not happy (the son, not the tick, although the tick probably wasn't happy either)
We went to the doctor's office today to have the head of the tick removed.
Doctor put him on antibiotics and now we have to wait and see if Lyme disease develops....
Incidentally, the preferred method of removing a deer tick (according to doctor) is to rub gently over the tick with a cotton ball soaked in dish soap. After about 15 minutes, the tick should back out...
Wouldn't work for me...I would be hysterical by that time...can not stand wood ticks!!!
That was my was yours?
WOW, I hate ticks too and we have them all over here where we are in Jersey, wood and deer ticks. Doggie brings some in sometimes, she is dosed with frontline and they do die but takes so long that hubby takes them out with tweezers.
Sending healing & good vibes that son does not have lyme disease!!
never heard the dishsoap idea.....our vet recommends rubbing alcohol ~ either poured on or with a cotton ball ~ not only does the tick "let go" the alcohol kills it too!
hope he does ok.
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