Monday, August 20, 2007

So much going on...

I apologize to Kelly for not posting my package sooner. It was one of those weekends...

Friday...Step daughter and boyfriend arrived in town from Sioux Falls. Jeremy and Andy took off for cabin weekend with their father and Chris. Nathan had to work and then a birthday party over-nighter...and it was Fair Weekend. We went to the Fair and watched the amateur talent show - was fun - walked around...and of course, bought miniature doughnuts.

Saturday...Left the house at 8:00 am, loaded to the gills (no, not me.. the car) to bring Andy back to college. For all you moms out there...if you have dropped a child off at college - you know what I went though...if you haven't crossed that bridge yet in your life...well, I'll be here for you when you do.

We drove 4 hours south - most of it in rain and construction with our view definetly obstructed by all the shit stuff he brought back. We unloaded said stuff in pouring rain...tried to make some resemblant of home out of a cold, cramped dorm room.

Up to this point...I was all about organizing, mothering, and all that...then...

The moment of taking your child in your arms for a final hug and kiss on the you get in your car and drive away...well, that's when it kinda went soggy. I kept it together enough to minimize it to a "dainty cry" (silent tears running down cheek) as compared to the "ugly cry" (I know you know the cry I'm talking about.)...that happened after my son was out of sight...on the four hour drive home...alone.

I miss him terribly.

1 comment:

Alana said...

Oh, one of those heart-wrenching days for you. Sorry... **sniff, sputter, bite inside of lip and drip snot**.

I felt a big lump in my throat just reading your post.