Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Knitting news

I am 3/4 of the way done on the baby sweater I am diligently working on...

I have the front, back, other front, one sleeve and almost done with the second sleeve...

Then, I put them all together on a circular and make the yoke - while decreasing for the neckline - I haven't done this before and the directions seem a little confusing...I am hoping they will become clearer as I approach that step...I should post some pics...

Been knitting dishcloths like crazy.

Andy needs to bring gifts with for his host family to Japan...Would it be weird to send a couple hand knit dishcloths??? I don't want to insult anyone...

What do you think?


KnittySue said...

I just saw that you signed up for this years dish rag tag...I hope we're on the same team again...can't wait to see the baby sweater. I've got 2 new ones coming days apart in Mar.so I'm making a list of knits to make.
Take Care

KnittySue said...

what team are you on?

KnittySue said...

what team are you on?

KnittySue said...

what team are you on?