Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mom musings...

This is so not about's about the mom thing.

If you follow me regularly, you know that I have four boys, ages 17 to 24...Jeremy is at UM - Morris (4 hours away), Chris just started at Winona State (4 hours, different direction), Nathan is a senior...but, Andy is my musings today.

Andy goes to college also at Winona State - however..he is leaving on Tuesday morning for a years study abroad program in Tokyo Japan...

Over the years...I have brought the boys to their respective colleges - I have shed tears - remembering the little boys they once were - and very, very proud of the young men they have turned into - shedding tears as I let go and left for home without them - knowing that I was letting go of them - but they were within reach - a short 4 hours away - I usually visited once in October -and of course, they come home for Thanksgiving, then a longer time home over Christmas - the Spring is broken up with Spring break 0- and before you know it - they are back for the summer - and my house seems complete again...

I don't know how to let go of a child as he goes away for an entire year - a year full of holidays, birthdays, family gatherings, and just the everyday life events...How do I do this?

Don't get me wrong, I am so excited for this opportunity that he has to follow his dreams...I am trying very hard to keep a positive front because I know he is struggling with some of the very issues - he wants to go - but struggles with the sacrifices involved....

How does one let go?

I know it is going to be really hard on Tuesday morning as I watch him walk through the gates, after the final hugs...but,....I know that I will be okay and he will be also...

...and a year will pass by quickly..and my son will return...a changed young man.


It will be all doesn't feel like it right now..... :(

1 comment:

KSee said...

It is hard but what an experience for Andy. Thanks to Skype, email, facebook etc you two will probably have more me time that is he was closer.