Sunday, September 23, 2007


How's that for a bizarre random title?

Well, of course there is a story behind that...Anyone who knows me...knows I don't do "random"...

As I was watching the students during passing time...I noticed a bottle of Mountain Dew being discreetly passed between about 6 seniors...each would take a sip and hand it off to another...this seemed a little suspicious to me...

I tracked chased his little ass half way around the school the owner of the bottle in question...sniffed the bottle...couldn't determine much...told the student I would hold the bottle for the principal to check out.

The Principal and student arrive at my classroom after the bell rings...I explain the situation,...the principal sniffs the bottle a couple times...he agrees that there seems to be a different scent..but can't determine much...consequently, we let the student go with a warning...

My question...(I know vodka is colorless and has no smell)...How does one determine whether a bottle is spiked without actually tasting it...and who in their right mind would taste it after witnessing at last 6 students take a drink from the bottle?

I would think there has to be a way...someone should invent a paper strip that can be dipped litimus paper...

Oh...the voo-doo...well, that's what my 21 year old son said it's called "vodka-dew"... voo-doo...he said kids do it all the time at school....

1 comment:

Master_Equs said...

Oooooo, lets see, I'm not sure of the resources available to your students, but in Northern Minnesota there are at least 3 different plants right now that can be made into acid..... But vodka sounds like it might be more probable....... High school students are crazy!