Sunday, September 7, 2008

All Hallows Eve Dishcloth Exchange Questionaire

Knitting Yarn
1. Do you knit or crochet? For how long?
I have been "seriously knitting for about 3 years. I learned to crochet a long time ago from my Gramma...I don't do much crocheting anymore.

2. What sort of needles or hooks do you enjoy using the most? Are there some you've been dying to try out and haven't? I love bamboo needles. Most of my collection is metal, due to the fact I have picked them up cheaply...I am slowly adding bamboo to my collection. There aren't any that I am dying to try out...

3. What kind of projects do you most enjoy? Small things you can take with you, or big complex ones that are just gorgeous when they're done? I need gratification. I have not knit anything big and complex, yet. I just don't think it will ever happen...I like socks, little projects, and of course, dishcloths...

4. List one pattern for a dishcloth that you love to make, or just tell us about one you've made or received that you loved. I really love both the feather and fan pattern and the waffle stitch pattern.

5. What are your 'must have' notions? Are there any notions you need or can never have enough of? Any that might make you cry if you owned more? I don't use a lot of notions...I am always looking for a little scissors...seems like it is always..."in my other bag"

Petting Yarn
6. What are your favorite yarns to work with? Any you hate or are allergic to? I like soft and squishy...I like soft and warm...I do use wool a lot...have tried bamboo for socks...don't like acrylic or novelty yarns...

7. What colors do you like to use in projects? Any we'd never catch on your needles? I think I am generally a earthy person...greens, browns, reds, warm colors...although I have used bright and fun also. I can't think of a color that I wouldn't try at least once.

8. Any cottons you'd like to try you can't find by you, or just haven't gotten around to getting? nope...

Halloween, Fall, and General Stuff
9. Do you like to use bar soap or shower gel more? What kinds of scents do you love? What kind do you hate? I use shower gel. I like clean scents, don't like just about everything else...

10. What's more 'Halloweeny' - Ghosts, Pumpkins, or Witches? pumpkins

11. What's your favorite Treat to get? Sweet or Salty? Anything you're allergic to or just hate? Definitely sweet...and has to be dark...dark chocolate!!! (Although I have been known to consume large quantities of just about anything sweet)

12. What was your favorite Halloween Costume as a kid? As an adult?? I don't remember any favorites as a an adult...I showed up to work one Halloween looking 9 months pregnant...that was pretty funny.

13. Are you on Ravelry? What's your ID? I am "alaina" on Ravelry. I haven't done anything on there in poor neglected Ravelry...Le Sigh.

14. Anything else you'd like to be sure your pal knows? no, I am pretty easy to please....


Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

I love pumpkins also:)Hugs Darcy

Felicia said...

My very favorite wash cloth (bath vs kitchen) is done in feather and fan!